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our partners

play a

big role

SVS has partnered with a number of “best of breed” technology manufacturers in order to provide the bespoke solutions our customers require.

It is important to remain at the forefront of technological innovation and we feel that our selected partners achieve this goal. Our customers’ needs are covered from the server requirement right through to the edge device. VSS solutions ensure that the incoming video is stored effectively and efficiently while allowing for hybridised and cloud-based options. The management of this video can be handled by one of our video management system partners. We are certified designers, integration engineers and installers of Milestone Systems, Bosch BVMS, Cathexis, Genetec and Qognify. Furthermore, our edge device offering can fulfil any video-based requirement with minimal cyber security risk. Our sales and technical consultants will recommend the best Bosch, Axis, Hanwha Techwin or Vivotek camera for your application and budget.

Furthermore, we have partnered with industry-leading access control solutions. Gallagher can fulfil virtually any access control requirement and is integrated into the major VMS solutions. Genetec, on the other hand, offers a converged solution allowing for the seamless interaction of your video and access control data. Any number of access control edge devices can be used including fingerprint and facial biometric technology, Bluetooth/nfc readers and standard mifare card applications. Contact us for integrated, secure solutions for your business, factory or residential estate.

Finally, SVS is a compliant fire detection and gas suppression designer and installer. We can maintain most of the major fire detection brands including Ziton, Technoswitch, Aritech and Bosch. Contact our team for a SANS10139 compliance audit.

CCTV technology partners:

Emergency Systems
Video Storage Solutions (VSS)
Hanwha Techwin

Access conrtol Partners:

Fire detection partners:

Gas suppression partners:

public address and evacuation partners:

071 580 0601

087 265 3271



39 Linksfield Road, Dowerglen 1612

Integration by design